About LEAPMed

The Learning-Enhanced Accelerated Program for Medicine (LEAPMed) is a six-year academic program consisting of a two-year interactive and innovative undergraduate degree that leads to the traditional four-year medicine proper to obtain a medical degree. LEAPMed’s preparatory undergraduate program, the Bachelor of Science in Basic Human Studies, is a blend of the essential human health science courses focused on instilling diligence and excellence among the youngest generation of aspiring Thomasian physicians. By the end of the two years, the students will be admitted to the medicine proper of the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery with the edge of being well-equipped with both theoretical and practical knowledge towards becoming holistic medical practitioners.
Amidst the ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic, the faculty has ensured that the LEAPMed department would meet both the academic and emotional needs of its stakeholders, thus upholding the standards of quality medical education through student-centered online learning. The multidisciplinary approach of presenting the curriculum through both asynchronous and synchronous lectures and creative activities have been calibrated in such a way that students not only learn from the comforts of their own home, but also enjoy delving into the world of medicine while overcoming boundaries.