Life Support Training Center

The University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery Life Support Training Center (UST FMS LSTC) is the first University in South East Asia to be accredited by the American Heart Association (AHA) as a training center for Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support for Experienced Providers (ACLS-EP), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and Heartsaver (HS) First Aid CPR AED courses. It operates as a unit under the Office of the Dean of UST FMS.
By means of video-based didactic instruction and active participation in simulated cases, students learn the skills needed for recognition and intervention of cardiac arrest and peri-arrest events.
The UST FMS Life Support Training Center recognized the fact that the SARS-COVID19 pandemic has brought changes AND MODIFICATIONS to the resuscitation programs around the world.
Realizing the importance of training to keep healthcare providers safe, current, competent and prepared, UST FMS LSTC consulted American Heart Association (AHA ), INTERNATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAM ( DALLAS, TEXAS, USA), coordinated with Department of Health, Health Emergency Management Bureau (DOH HEMB) and consulted the Inter Agency Task Force For Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) omnibus guidelines on community quarantine on the resumption of resuscitation training amidst the pandemic . These are BLENDED virtual self-directed modular learning courses and with very limited scope of in-person cognitive skills practice and validation. The training is progressively converting to online and digital form of education and reducing actual classroom training sessions. In this context, the DOH stated that “the pandemic must not OVERRIDE the skill competency needs of the healthcare front liners”.

The following courses are conducted once a month, the schedules of which are posted on our Facebook page:
- Basic Life Support Course
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support
The USTFMS LSTC is located at the second floor of the Saint Martin de Porres Building.
Inquiries regarding registration are entertained via SMS thru our office number, 09435178913,
Mondays to Fridays 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.